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Senate Committee Approves Fiscal Year 2025 Funding for RRB: But It’s Not Enough

In our September NARVRE newsletter, Garey Faley, the National Legislative Director of NARVRE, wrote a compelling article about the need for NARVRE members to take action in this unprecedented political era. Here is a summary of what’s happening with government funding and how it’s affecting the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB).

At NARVRE, we closely monitor and respond to developments impacting the RRB and our members. Recently, the Senate Committee on Appropriations approved a funding level of $129 million for the RRB for fiscal year 2025. While this may seem encouraging, it falls short by $43 million of what the RRB requested for its operational needs. This shortfall threatens essential improvements, especially the much-needed modernization of the RRB’s Information Technology (IT) systems.

Without adequate funding, the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will be forced to continue using outdated and antiquated systems, significantly hindering its ability to provide the high-quality service and support that our members deserve. The lack of modernization will directly impact the speed and efficiency of crucial services, potentially causing delays and inefficiencies. It is vital for our elected officials to grasp the far-reaching consequences of underfunding the RRB and to prioritize its modernization for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Why Adequate Funding Matters

Modernizing the RRB’s IT infrastructure is not just a luxury but a critical necessity. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, relying on outdated systems leads to slower processing times, payment delays, and a heightened risk of errors. The current systems are struggling to keep pace with increasing demands, and without adequate funding, the risk of a further decline in service and efficiency looms large. Moreover, without this vital investment in technology, the RRB’s ability to support, inform, and engage railroad employees and retirees will continue to diminish. It is also crucial to recognize the ever-present need to effectively maintain America’s railroad infrastructure, which cannot be accomplished without sufficient funding.

The funding also impacts Amtrak and its growth. Every year, the GOP proposes to cut Amtrak funding and eliminate services. This could slowly destroy the nation’s rail service and potentially abolish Amtrak. Furthermore, the funds are necessary to ensure the agency can continue to serve the hardworking men and women who built and maintained our railroads. Without additional financial support, there is a growing threat to jobs and services, including the potential for significant layoffs.

Not receiving the requested amount is particularly frustrating for many reasons. Notably, the money requested by the RRB is not part of the nation’s debt. We understand the need to decrease our nation’s debt, but the RRB has continuously operated differently based on the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937. Garey Faley puts it perfectly when he writes in his article that, “the experts involved in appropriations are surely aware that the RRB is not funded with taxpayer money. The overwhelming majority of RRB funding comes from payroll taxes paid by railroad employers and employees.”

What Can You Do?

At NARVRE, our responsibility is to respond to threats that could adversely affect the RRB or Amtrak. We will continue to do our part, but now we need your help. We urge all our members to contact their Representatives and Senators and emphasize the importance of fully funding the RRB. With the necessary $43 million, the RRB can progress with essential improvements to secure a better future for retirees, employees, and the entire railroad industry. Our website has helpful government links that will assist you in contacting the appropriate people. 

Furthermore, if you are acquainted with individuals who have previously worked or are currently employed by the railroad but have yet to become members of NARVRE, we kindly ask you to motivate them to join our supportive and influential organization. Your support is crucial for us to continue our work effectively. Lastly, and most importantly, we urge you to vote for the candidates who advocate for the RRB in this year’s election. As Garey Faley emphasizes, it is essential to elect candidates who support, “sensible legislation”.

This is about more than just financial figures. It’s about protecting the jobs of hardworking individuals, safeguarding their retirement benefits, and ensuring that the railroad continues to be a vital and flourishing part of our national infrastructure. The decisions made today will have a lasting impact on Amtrak’s future, the railroad’s dedicated employees, and the retirees who rely on the Railroad Retirement Board.

Stay Informed and Get Involved

NARVRE will continue to advocate for the funding the RRB needs to operate efficiently and effectively. We need your support to ensure that Congress hears us. Stay informed about developments and continue to help us in our initiative to secure the appropriate funding for the RRB. Let your voice be heard by reaching out to your elected officials and urging them to vote in favor of providing the RRB with the resources it needs to modernize and continue its mission. Together, we can ensure that the RRB receives the funding to serve current and future generations of railroaders. Until then, rest assured, NARVRE will always maintain its sole purpose: to PROTECT, PROMOTE, and PRESERVE our railroad retirement annuities and benefits.

fy2025, RRB news