G.G. Gonzalez Jr.
Area 5 Director
Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
CELL: 713-823-4071
EMAIL: gggonzalezjr@sbcglobal.net
I attended Texas A&I University Kingsville, hired by MOPAC Oct 1972 as a Fireman and then promoted to Engineer August 1973. Very active with UTU as a Secretary Treasure, Legislative Rep and Local Chairman. As a union officer I was appointed chairman of the 1st safety team on the Missouri Pacific RR. My best accomplishment was the removal of rail bunk cars because of the deplorable conditions that they were in.
I was also appointed to the 1st Operation Red Block Chairman from the Kingsville Division on the Missouri Pacific systems. The Kingsville Division became very well known because of Operation Red Block and it’s effectiveness on the employees. Our accomplishments lead to the implementation of Operation Red Block systemwide.
Resigned Union Pacific RR 1990, accepted a position as an Investigator with designated legal counsel of Jones Granger in Houston TX. I was hired because of my expertise of operations and safety rules and a working knowledge of FRA rules.
I retired 2011 and decided to keep active by joining NARVE. I helped create Houston Unit 187 and was elected Legislative Rep. In 2013 I was elected President and delegate which I currently hold.
As Area 5 Director and President of Unit 187 I stress the importance to all of the membership to be involved, retain members and promote new members.
As your new Area 5 Director I am available to help any member or unit. Please call or email me.
You, your spouse and your friends are cordially invited to attend the next meeting of NARVRE Unit #187. We convene monthly in order to bring together railroad retirees, veterans, and current railroaders on issues related to our rights as granted to us by the Railroad Retirement Act. When your retirement benefits are challenged, it changes your annuity payment. NARVRE stands ready to defend railroad retirement. There has been recent discussion in Washington regarding taking railroad retirement and placing the funds in the social security account. Join us at our next meeting as we stand together to protect our rights and benefits.
Please make note of our next meeting on your calendar and join us.