The Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) is the Labor Arm of the AFL-CIO
Retired Rail Labor Unions already paid per capita membership affiliation to the ARA for all union retirees. 2014 and 2013 Voting Record.
senior 2013 voting- 2013 alliance voting record0001 by api-167123914 on Scribd
Picture from DesMoines, IA Informational NARVRE Meeting on Friday October 17, 2014. We met at Urbandale Library. 18 people attended, some people were already members of unit 175,we signed up the rest. One lifetime, Two 5 year members and 6 others. There is no President of the unit, our contact was Robert Tollackson who is the Treasurer and Legislative Representative.
President Tom Dwyer addressing membership Meeting in Urbandale, IA with Area 4 Director Gary Nelson
President Tom Dwyer and Area 4 Director conducted the Meeting in DesMoines at the Urbandale Library .
The BLET National Convention was held at the RIO ALL-SUITES HOTEL AND CASINO Las Vegas, Nevada. NARVRE was invited to have a table at the Convention. In attendance was Gary Watkins, Bob Bloomer and Robert McIntire the President of Las Vegas Unit.
Picture Bob McIntyre and Gary Watkins attending booth
Here are two pictures showing over 438 locomotive engineers from all over the United States in session at the convention. It must be noted that the vast majority of these locomotive engineer did not know about NARVRE. As a point, just about every one that came into the Vendors room that we talked to did not know about NARVRE.
As a result of our efforts in attending this BLET National Convention we were only able to signed up 25 new members. We are not bragging about this because we should have been working on membership opportunities at railroad crew offices long ago. Our local unit membership representatives have a golden opportunity for membership in working railroaders if they step up and get out to these places of opportunity.
Picture Number 2 of Convention Delegates
Report by Your friend and member, Poor Bob
Bob Bloomer former Area 8 Director