Alerts and News
NARVRE Membership:
Consider this an update on our continual work opposing proposals for heavier trucks in the U.S. Congress. NARVRE has an ongoing working relationship with the rail carriers (AAR) and rail labor, of course, as the rail industry stands to lose busin…
NARVRE Members: Attached is Action Alert information…
All Amtrak advocates are advising the Senate that we expect them to Act Now.
The House has passed their legislation, and the Senate needs to act.
Now is the Time to Make Your Plan to Vote
See Highlight (…Consider this as a courtesy and simple reminder to be prepared to vote on November 3, 2020.

We regret to announce the passing of NARVRE Area 2 Director JJ Grabner III
We regret to announce the passing of NARVRE Area 2 Director JJ Grabner III, age 70. NARVRE offers our sincere condolences to Lauren, their family, and JJ’s many friends. His years of service and many contributions to NARVRE are certainly apprecia…
From The National Legislative Director – The Pharmaceutical Industry
On October 10, 2018, a bill titled “Know The Lowest Price Act of 2018”, (S.2553) was passed and signed into law. This legislation stops private insurers from using so-called gag orders that “restricts” pharmacies from offering customers the same d…
Southwest Chief
The bill (HR 6147) that would preserve Amtrak service over the entire current Southwest Chief route has passed out of the Senate and is now headed for a conference committee in the House to reconcile the differences in spending bills from both cha…
From the National Legislative Director
Over the years, we continue to receive different inquiries as to how NARVRE members might assist in our efforts to inform Congress on the existence and operation of the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). It is unfortunate that to many Congressional…
Example Communication to Your Representative in the U.S. Congress (Facts on Railroad Retirement)
The Honorable John A. Doe United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Rep. Doe, I am a constituent of yours and reside in City & State. I am a railroad retiree with XX years of service on the XXX Railroad. I am cove…

Narvre Biennial Convention 2018: Thank you!

SMART Transportation Division National Legislative Director John Risch
SMART Transportation Division National Legislative Director John Risch addressed the National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees (NARVRE) in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on May 21, touching on the current national political climate and …