Adrianne Natoli

Area 3 Director
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Adrianne Natoli began her career in 1972 as an Information-Reservation clerk at Penn Station New York, with the Penn Central Transportation Company.
She was awarded a clerk/steno job in the Maintenance of Way Department in the Office of the Division Engineer at “40 Office.” She held that position until Penn Central declared bankruptcy and was split into passenger service, both long distance and local, and freight service.
In essence, Penn Central became Amtrak, the long-distance road, Metro-North for local service and ConRail, the freight railroad. She chose ConRail which was closer to her home in New Jersey. She enjoyed her tenure with ConRail in the primary capacity of clerk-stenographer, as well as other clerical positions such as budget clerk, crew dispatcher, assignment clerk and timekeeper for train dispatchers and block operators. She was promoted to the position of Yardmaster.
On ConRail, she participated on committees such as Labor Management, Continuous Quality Improvement, and Safety. The most memorable achievement was her involvement with the Labor Management committee as she watched a team prepare to go before Congress to argue that truck trains belong on the rails and not on the highways.
The team was successful in their argument to Congress which is a testament to what can be achieved when people band together and speak with one voice. Her tenure ended in 1999 when ConRail was divided between Norfolk Southern Railway and CSX.
Her choice was Norfolk Southern Railway. While on NS, she participated on the Safety Committee and Diversity Council. She remained with Norfolk Southern until she retired in the capacity of Yardmaster, June 2014. Although her railroad chapter had ended, her story was incomplete.
After 42 years on the railroad and raising a family, she decided to go to Montclair State University and in four years earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism. Then, within another two years earned a Master of Arts Degree in Public and Organizational Relations.
In addition to going to college, she took evening classes at the local library to develop computer skills and earned an IC3 digital literacy certification. Afterward, she earned a certificate in Word, and PowerPoint. She is studying to earn her certificate in Excel.
Surprisingly, she had no idea another chapter in her railroad career was beginning to unfold; where her railroad experience and newly acquired education would come together just in time to fill the vacant position of Area 3 Director, N.A.R.V.R.E.
Although, it may appear as if Adrianne is all work and no play, since completing her education, she and her husband Joseph, a retired railroader, enjoy walks along the beach and bicycling. Her hobby is reading and taking pictures of family and friends, especially, her two children and two grandchildren.