Joint Letter on FY24 RRB Funding
NARVRE Members:
The rail labor unions and rail management have sent a joint letter to the House and Senate leadership supporting a higher FY24 budget for the RRB agency. It is attached for our reference and will be useful when contacting Congress. The letter addresses many key facts and points out that false information was used to help pass the House bill, “under the guise of lowering federal spending”. The signees from the AAR, ASLRRA, and TTD, AFL-CIO make it clear that the majority of funding for the RRB comes from payroll taxes paid by railroad employers and railroad employees. The letter explains that U.S. Taxpayers do not pay into the fund, the RRB does not receive funding from the U.S. Treasury, and reduced funding for the RRB would not reduce the nation’s deficit. Please refer to the attached letter for more valuable points of information.
If you haven’t already done so, we urge all Members to contact their Representatives in Congress. We are urging Congress to oppose the drastic cuts for the RRB in the House FY24 spending bill and support the higher responsible budget proposals in the FY24 Senate bill. All members can reach the Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121.
As info, NARVRE sent out an earlier release on the House Republicans Assault on Rail and RRB FY24 Funding on 7/27/23. Thank you.
Gary Faley
National Legislative Director
F24, fy24 budget, FY24 spending bill, House FY24 spending bill, NARVRE, NARVRE Membership, NARVRE near me, national railroad veterans retirement, railroad retirement, railroad retirement benefits, rrb