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Tag: railroad retirement

Coming Changes in Legislation

Important legislation has recently been passed through Congress this summer. The most recent bill to pass the House this summer was the Inflation Reduction Act (HR5376) which passed on a party-line vote 220-207 after the Senate passed the measure on a 51-50 vote margin with Vice-President Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. The President has signed the bill, and this legislative package is now law.  

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 Benefits of NARVRE

If you are a railroad veteran, current railroad employee, or retired from the railroad, you should consider joining NARVRE if you are not yet a member. NARVRE is the National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees. NARVRE is essentially your gateway to Washington D.C. The legislative offices of NARVRE work closely with the Railroad Retirement Board ensuring that your benefits stay intact among many other legislative appropriations, including upgrading computerization. Once the computerization is upgraded, we will be more assured that our information is protected, and our field offices are adequately staffed. 

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Meet NARVRE’S New National President 

We are proud to announce our newly elected National President, George Boatwright. Mr. Boatwright began his 32-year railroad career in Jacksonville, Florida, on the Seaboard Coast Line railroad in 1977. Eight years later, he was hired by Amtrak for Auto Train Service as a Locomotive Engineer. During this time, he served on the safety committee and as a Vice Local Chairman of the BLE&T Southeast Regional Meeting in Orlando, Florida. 

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