The Importance of Voting for Candidates Who Support NARVRE’s Mission in the Upcoming Election
As we approach the upcoming election, it is crucial for all NARVRE members to carefully consider the candidates who wholeheartedly support the mission and goals of the National Association of Retired and Veteran Railway Employees (NARVRE). The future of our collective well-being and preserving our hard-earned Railroad Retirement benefits hinge on our collective action in electing leaders who truly comprehend and prioritize the unique needs of railroad workers, retirees, and their families.
A History of Challenges: Protecting Railroad Retirement
We must always remember the challenging times when our hard-earned benefits were under threat. In 1982-1983 and again in 2012, certain politicians made concerted efforts to abolish the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). These attempts posed a significant risk to the retirement security of railroad workers and their families. Thanks to the unwavering advocacy of organizations like NARVRE, these detrimental efforts were ultimately defeated. Our collective work played a crucial role in protecting the benefits that thousands of dedicated railroad employees rely on today.
The Achievement of NARVRE
NARVRE has been a steadfast advocate in protecting the RRB and championing positive changes that bring tangible benefits to railroad retirees and their families. One of its most noteworthy achievements occurred in 2001-2002 when, with unwavering support from its members, NARVRE played a pivotal role in enacting crucial reforms in the Railroad Retirement system. These reforms included lowering the retirement age to 60 for individuals with 30 years of railroad service and enhancing Tier II benefits for surviving spouses. These triumphs underscore the critical importance of sustained vigilance and advocacy efforts to preserve and enhance our benefits for future generations.
Your Vote Matters: Vote for NARVRE
Voting for candidates who comprehend and endorse NARVRE’s mission is crucial. We require leaders who will safeguard the Railroad Retirement system and guarantee that it remains a source of support for current and future retirees. Your vote is your way of securing the benefits you and your family rightly deserve. Take the time to delve into each candidate’s stance on Railroad Retirement and labor issues before you make your choice at the ballot box.
Spread the Word and Grow Our Membership
Apart from voting, we urge all members to actively promote NARVRE’s initiatives. If you are acquainted with any current railway workers or retirees who have not yet become members, we encourage you to extend an invitation to join. Together, we can enhance our advocacy efforts and guarantee the protection of the rights and benefits of railroad workers and retirees.
Be a Part of the Future
In this critical time, it is more important than ever for members of NARVRE to stay informed, choose candidates who align with our mission, and spread awareness about the vital need to safeguard Railroad Retirement benefits. Your vote, voice, and advocacy are essential in continuing the legacy of positive change and ensuring a secure future for all railroad retirees and their families.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement. Vote for people who care about our interests. Vote for NARVRE!